Eric and the Woolly Jumpers

A new 191 page novel by Malcolm Hulme for the young at heart

“I loved it!
I felt like I was on another planet,
it made my imagination run wild!
One of the best books I have ever read,
I just didn’t want to put it down!”
Georgina (From Kent)

Tien Sine – First of his kind and founder of the group. Grand experimenter, learned and wise professor. Gets a lot more right than he gets wrong, although he has experienced an explosion or two! Without his skills and expertise all the Band of Brother’s exploits would be impossible.

Silveree – Out of body alien. He’s been on his own for far too long! Eccentric but kind. Has amazing talents such as being able to travel by the speed of thought!

Nabi Stolu – All round great athlete. Aggressive and courageous. The fastest animal in the forest. A doer rather than a talker.

Merly Boab – Rastafarian cheeky chappy. Singer songwriter, artist, and all-around wit. Keeps everyone’s spirits up. Terrible fear of heights.

Cyril – Vain, a beautiful and arrogant butterfly. A reluctant superhero!

Bardee Thron – A sheep without a direction until he finds his purpose in life. Supreme pilot and navigator.

Eric- The last of his kind. Grows reluctantly into his role as leader. Learns from his mistakes and becomes a great orator and commander.